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Izzy's Wish List

Izzy will turn one year old on the last day of January. Exactly one year ago, I was super pregnant and we were looking for a new car to fit all three carseats (we ended up signing on the car and then driving home, grabbing the carseat, getting Culvers, and then going to the hospital to have a baby). I've had a few people asking what Iz wants or needs. Here's some things I came up with based on my observations.

Spatulas, Large Wooden Spoons, and Kitchen Utensils

You can eat 'em, you can bang them on things, what more could a baby ask for?

Sterilite tubs big enough to sit in.

Make sure you also push him around on the floor while saying "wheeee!" and never ever stop.

Toilet paper rolls

To throw and spread white, flimsy joy throughout the house. Might also be eaten, so serves two useful purposes.

Dry Dog Food

His parents always yelp and take it out of his mouth and frankly that's rude. Why aren't we happy he's eating? It was made with all real meat! It's practically healthy. If you throw in a mostly full water dish that he can splash in/throw the dog food in and watch it swell up with water, all the better.


But only on his terms. Also if they would not disappear as soon as he falls asleep for a midday nap (reverse boob-crawl), that would be great.


Daddy is the absolute best ever. If Daddy would hold him all day and night, he would be a happy, happy baby.

Cuddles and Playmates

Just hold him and pat his back and smile. If he doesn't want to be held and is bursting with energy, play with him. Big brothers mean well but are still older and roughhouse more than he can sometimes handle. Undivided attention delights him.

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