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With It

Yesterday I was a hot mess for the first half of the day. As we approached lunchtime, Eric took the boys and I out to get Twozies, the new Resident Evil and Kingdom Hearts games, Minecraft blind boxes, and Paw Patrol figures. He gave me a wonderful pep talk that definitely reinforces the fact that yup, I picked the best husband to be my best friend. One part that really stood out to me was this: "Since the new year you've been really With It! Were you today? No! But that's okay! You're doing great and always improving. We're always improving. We're a team, Hannah."

This morning I got up, got the boys dressed for the day, made breakfast, started the dishwasher (sink was full of rinsed dishes so that was very quick), folded 4 loads of laundry as they came out of the dryer, have a load of diapers in the washer on their first cycle, picked up the house, cleaned up pee several times (Negi if you SEE Oliver peeing then please tell him to stop?!), made a great lunch, and sent Eric to work with a dinner that hits at least 5 food groups. Today I'm With It.

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