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Morning Routine

Wake up, get boys up

  • Change Izzy and get clean clothes and underwear on boys

  • Turn on Teletubbies and make boys breakfast, complete with sippy cups

  • Go around the house collecting all dirty laundry and put it down the chute in the hallway closet

  • Go downstairs and sort laundry (clothes or diapers), start load if there is enough of either in the hampers, switch loads into dryer etc. Bring up clean laundry if there is any.

  • Fold laundry if there is any and put it away

  • Rinse out pop cans from previous night/this morning

  • Collect any and all dirty dishes from breakfast/previous night and put them in the sink

  • Pick up toys and trash and put them in boys' room and trash bin respectively

  • Rinse dirty dishes and put them in the other side of the sink with the other rinsed dishes. If there is enough, start a dishwasher load

  • Wipe down all kitchen surfaces (usually use a soapy sponge and then just dry it all with a flour sack towel)

  • Get me dressed and make breakfast for myself

  • Take medicine (thank you, Zoloft) and sit down for a brief FB/Insta check while eating breakfast ;)

This is the same routine I've been practicing the past few weeks, adding in the laundry after my first post, and it's definitely helped me keep a cleaner house and thus a much calmer house. Naturally this is often interrupted with breaking up fights or changing Izzy's poopy diaper (always the cute prints wtf baby), but if I work quickly the house is up and running and ready to face the day within 30-45 minutes from us waking up.

Yesterday was Izzy's birthday. He had fun. :-)

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