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Eric's strong genes make boys. Boys are both really easy and really hard to raise. This has been most colorfully illustrated in our house with pottytraining.

Boys are easy in that:

-They will pee anywhere. Introduce the concept of standing while peeing and BAM pottytraining is happening.

-No crazy mindgames from a young age-- give them a dinosaur and a car or a couple of sticks and they are HAPPY.

-Our boys have short hair. They've escaped the tears and nests straight out of Are You My Mother? that I still vividly remember!

-Boys clothes are awesome, especially if your kids are nerdy. Luckily, ours are. Mario and Minecraft everywhere!

Boys are hard in that:

-They will pee anywhere. Tree in the backyard, in the middle of my mother-in-law's driveway, in the shoe aisle at Wal-Mart (luckily caught that just as he dropped trou so we rushed to the appropriate restroom)...

-If the bathroom needs to be cleaned, it's always in the bowl. If it's sparkling clean and smells faintly of a combination of lemon fresh and bleach, they can't hit the bowl for anything.

-They have Junk and will gleefully whip it out anywhere, anytime to attempt to share the joy of having it. Diaper changes are a chance to grab at it and sabataoge putting a new diaper on.

-Roughhousing never stops.

Kids are awesome in that:

-There is an incredible amount of fun and imagination going on all day every day.

-Seeing them grow and learn new things every. single. day. is downright magical and makes your heart want to explode with pride.

-They are very sweet and the first smile and hug will make you feel simultaneously the happiest person in all of history and completely unworthy of this unconditional love.

The pros outweigh the cons.

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